The JoY of Indoor Gardening!
I started with one 50 watt LED light over my indoor garden. I now know, I can grow herbs and veggies year round in a small space and use very little energy.

Monday, August 2, 2010

My Plan...

I'm gathering supplies from local garden shops and deciding how I want to hang my light! I'm starting small and will grow from there.....
To start:
1' x 3' General Hydroponics tray
6" coco pots (12)
organic seeds
my 50 watt LED light

Organic Veggies and Herbs to be used in my cooking soon!!
more to come.......
excited to share!!!


  1. Looking forward to reading about your progress!

  2. Lots of delicious veggies you have chosen! I'm excited to see the project starting and looking forward to some photos.
