The JoY of Indoor Gardening!
I started with one 50 watt LED light over my indoor garden. I now know, I can grow herbs and veggies year round in a small space and use very little energy.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

LEdesigns4LEDs @ SLRE Green Living Festival 2010

On September 11th, me and my garden traveled to Gardnerville, NV to be a part of the Sustainable Living & Renewable Energy, Green Living Festival!

Here's how it all started.....My boyfriend has his own LED lighting company called LEdesigns. Michael lives in South Lake Tahoe and I got to enjoy a wonderful summer there outdoor gardening with him. As Liaison of LEdesigns, I told Michael that I wanted to use one of the extra SHS4 LED grow lights to start an indoor garden in my small SF apartment, so that I could enjoy home grown peppers and tomatoes, spinach, romaine, herbs, and more through though the fall and winter---really year round. I thought it would be fun to do some research of my own on indoor gardening with LED lights, too. So I gathered my supplies and got started in mid-August. One weekend after I started my indoor LED garden, we were enjoying coffee when Michael showed me an add for a Green Living Festival. We've always wanted to take our lights on the road (LEdesigns is currently an Internet company and with the garden started we could show LED grow lights as well as standard LED lights. So we applied for a booth and off we went! Our booth was an informational booth about LED lighting and a great success! We made relationships with other vendors as well as sparked the interests of many people to try indoor gardening and replace fluorescent and incandescent bulbs with LED Bulbs.