The JoY of Indoor Gardening!
I started with one 50 watt LED light over my indoor garden. I now know, I can grow herbs and veggies year round in a small space and use very little energy.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Flowers! Peppers & Tomatoes

It's been such a great learning experience to garden indoors. I've enjoyed my arugula, romaine, and spinach, cilantro, and parsley! I now have my peppers and tomatoes on 12 hours of light! (I still have my herbs going too, cilantro, parsley, and basil.) It's exciting to watch them flower and I look forward to the fruit they will produce- I've learned the power of controlling growth and flowering with my SHS4 LED grow light. I've learned to trim my tomato plants at the top so they get fuller instead of taller. One tomato plant I let go and it is 5 feet tall! I'll see what happens--it is full of flowers! Soon, I'll start the process from seed again, so that I will have peppers and tomatoes year round. Enjoy the latest photos! I have some extra SHS4 LED 50 watt grow lights available if you're interested in trying your own indoor LED garden!!!