The JoY of Indoor Gardening!
I started with one 50 watt LED light over my indoor garden. I now know, I can grow herbs and veggies year round in a small space and use very little energy.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I have 14 basil plants growing....and my goal is to make delicious Pesto!
I'll keep you updated on this one!

Happy New Year and Welcome Spring!

My first round of Indoor Gardening with an LED light was fun! I harvested and enjoyed tomatoes, peppers, and many different herbs and greens. I learned so much and truly appreciate fresh, right off the plant, organic herbs and veggies!

On to my next project. Right now my focus is on fresh herbs and some greens. It's at the beginning stages, and I've already been enjoying cilantro, parsley, spinach, romaine, and arugula.