The JoY of Indoor Gardening!
I started with one 50 watt LED light over my indoor garden. I now know, I can grow herbs and veggies year round in a small space and use very little energy.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I've set up my agroponics system for daily watering in my fruiting tray-

Garden Update!

Lots of flowering, some fruit....So, we added a black curtain around the fruiting tray to keep the lighting more consistent...
I had extended my garden into two trays and have now separated them into two different grow areas. Right now I have all my plants in the fruiting tray with 12 hours of LED light-2 kinds of peppers and 2 kinds of tomatoes. I also have some basil growing.
I'm going to start a vegetation tray of herbs and veggies with 18 hours of LED light in the new year and transfer the flowering plants into the fruiting tray when they are at the size I want them at to produce fruit. I sure have learned a lot and look forward to having my veggies year round! The cycle will move faster now that I understand it more too!

Saturday, December 4, 2010